Our paper has been accepted to CVPRw
Rotation Matters: Generalized Monocular 3D Object Detection for Various Camera SystemSungho Moon, Jinwoo Bae, Sunghoon ImIEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRw), 2023
Rotation Matters: Generalized Monocular 3D Object Detection for Various Camera SystemSungho Moon, Jinwoo Bae, Sunghoon ImIEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRw), 2023
Jongmin Gim, Jihun Park, Jeonghyun Ahn, and Kiljoon Han joined our group. Welcome all! Jihun Park joined our lab as an Integrated M.S./Ph.D. course, and Jongmin Gim, Jeonghyun Ahn, and …
As of March 1st, Prof. Im was promoted to Associate Professor.
Dynamic Neural Network for Multi-Task Learning Searching across Diverse Network TopologiesWonhyeok Choi, Sunghoon ImIEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023 Article : https://m.segye.com/view/20231012516730
Jungwan Woo and Jaeyeul Kim’s paper “LiDAR 3D Object Detection Domain Adaptation using Self-Training and Knowledge Distillation” was selected as the winner of an Asian Federation of Computer Vision (AFCV) …
Deep Digging into the Generalization of Self-supervised Monocular Depth EstimationJinwoo Bae, Sungho Moon, Sunghoon ImAssociation for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2023
우정완, 김재열, 김정훈 박사과정, 국토교통부 주관 “안전한 자율주행을 위한 인공지능 알고리즘 개발 챌린지 (ADAI: Autonomous Driving A.I. challenge)” 우수상 수상
ProFeat: Unsupervised Image Clustering via Progressive Feature RefinementJeonghoon Kim, Sunghoon Im, Sunghyun ChoPattern Recognition Letters (PRL), 2022
LiDAR 3D Object Detection via Self-Training and Knowledge DistillationJungwan Woo*, Jaeyeul Kim*, Sunghoon ImECCV workshop on 3D Perception for Autonomous Driving (ECCVw), Oct 2022
Changjae Kim will join Qualcomm korea as a computer vision and machine learning R&D intern.