
One member won the grand prize at the 2024 Chuncheon AWS Deepracer Championship.

최원준 석사과정 소속 팀, 춘천시 주최 및 강원정보문화산업진흥원 주관 "2024 춘천 AWS 딥레이서 챔피언십" 대상 수상
news publication

Our paper has been accepted on ACCV

Content-Adaptive Style Transfer: A Training-Free Approach with VQ AutoencodersJongmin Gim*, Jihun Park*, Kyoungmin Lee*, Sunghoon Im Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2024

Prof. Im has been appointed as a Distinguished Professor at DGIST.

임성훈 교수 DGIST KFTP 특훈교수로 임명 (2024.09.01.~2027.08.31.)

Two members serve as visiting researchers at Stanford Univ.

Seunghun Lee serves as a visiting researcher at Stanford University for a duration of 6 months (Sep 2024 - Feb 2025). Wonhyeok Choi serves as a visiting researcher at Stanford University for a duration of...
news welcome!

Three new members joined our group

Sungmin Ha Jaekeun Lee Seungjun Hyun Sungmin Ha, Jaekeun Lee and Seungjun Hyun joined out group. Sungmin Ha: M.S.-Ph.D. integrated course Jaekeun Lee: Ph.D. course Seungjun Hyun: M.S. course Welcome all!
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