Our paper has been accepted to TIP
Hae-Gon Jeon, Jaeheung Surh, Sunghoon Im, In So Kweon ,"Ring Difference Filter for Fast and Noise Robust Depth from Focus", IEEE Transactions Image Processing (TIP), Dec 2020 [PDF]
Three new members joined our group
Jeonghoon KimSeunghoon LeeJungwan Woo Jeonghoon Kim, Seunghoon Lee and Jungwan Woo joined our group. Welcome all! Jeonghoon Kim and Seunghoon Lee joined our lab as an Combined BS/MS/PhD course, and Jungwan Woo joined our lab...
DGIST Computer Vision Laboratory is launched
Computer Vision Laboratory at DGIST is launched. The Research fields of the CV Lab. are 3D reconstruction/Localization, Scene Understanding, Image/Video Synthesis and Computer Vision for New-type sensor.
Sunghoon Im joined ICE DGIST
As of September 2nd, Professor Sunghoon Im joined in the Department of Information and Communication Engineering at DGIST. Prof. Sunghoon Im graduated from Sogang University, Dept. of Electronics Engineering in 2014, and received Master and...