
Our members placed 1st in the Argoverse Challenge at CVPRw.

Jaeyeul Kim and Jungwan Woo placed 1st in the LiDAR Scene Flow of Argoverse Challenge at IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop on Autonomous Driving (CVPR 2024 WAD).

Our member placed 2nd in the Argoverse Challenge at CVPRw

Mingyu Shin placed 2nd in the 4D Occupancy Forecasting of Argoverse Challenge at IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop on Autonomous Driving (CVPR 2024 WAD).

Prof.Im is selected as one of the outstanding reviewers at CVPR24

Prof.Im is selected as one of the outstanding reviewers at CVPR24 and one of the Top 10% of high-scoring reviewers at NeurIPS 20.

Prof. Im was elected as a council member of Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers (IEIE), Korea

인공지능신호처리 소사이어티 추천으로 대한전자공학회 제 25대 직선평의원으로 선출 (2024.05.20.~2026.05.19.)

Two members serve as visiting researcher at CMU

Jungwan Woo serve as a visiting researcher at Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute for a duration of 4 months (Jan - May).Jaeyeul Kim serve as a visiting researcher at Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute for a duration...