Our paper has been accepted on TPAMI

A Study on the Generality of Neural Network Structures for Monocular Depth EstimationJinwoo Bae, Kyumin Hwang, Sunghoon ImIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Accepted Article : https://www.etnews.com/20231212000024

Our team placed 1st in the ADAI 2023 challenge

우정완, 김정훈, 김재열 박사과정, 최원혁 석박사통합과정, 신민규 석사과정, 국토교통부 주관 “자율주행 인공지능 알고리즘 개발 챌린지 (ADAI: Autonomous Driving A.I. challenge)” 최우수상 수상

Our paper has been accepted to NeurIPS

Depth-discriminative Metric Learning for Monocular 3D Object DetectionWonhyeok Choi*, Mingyu Shin*, Sunghoon ImNeural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2023 Article : https://www.khan.co.kr/local/Daegu/article/202312191052001

Our paper has been accepted to BMVC

Multi-Target Domain Adaptation with Class-Wise Attribute Transfer in Semantic SegmentationChangjae Kim, Seunghun Lee, Sunghoon ImThe 34th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2023

Our team received an Honorable Mention at the CVPRw

Motion Forecasting via Coordinate Transformations and Object Trajectory ModificationsJungwan Woo*, Jaeyeul Kim*, Sunghoon Im.IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop on Autonomous Driving (CVPR 2023 WAD) (2nd place in …